Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Prepairing for the new deck

We are putting up an 16'x32' deck in the back. The first step in putting up a new deck was taking down the old deck.

I cut all of the support legs

I cut all of the support legs

Close up view of cut support legs

Close up view of cut support legs

I took the steps rails down

I took the deck rails down

I removed the steps

2nd view of the deck with the steps removed

Say goodbye to the old deck

I had to dig up the old deck footings

I removed the ledger board 

The deck footings were really heavy and hard to work with

I moved the siding out of my way and put some flashing under the door

I added some siding and put a well sealed  kicker plate in place over the flahing 

I took the old steps and some of the scrap wood and slapped together some make shift steps so we could get in and out of the back door until the new deck was up.
My make shift steps are not pretty but they work.
Next up ... The New Deck

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