Monday, April 11, 2016

A busy Sunday

This Sunday Chell and I did a few things around the yard. Chell planted potatoes in crates that can be moved around and she finally cleaned the area under the fort and built up a sandbox. I fixed the blade clutch line on the riding mower, took down the old grape vine rack and built up a new one and built a small fence to keep the damn dogs from chewing up the grape vines this year. I also pruned the fruit trees.

This year we should get pounds of potatoes from these crates that Chell built up

Sandbox area Before

Sandbox area After

Broken spring on the blades clutch line

Metal unraveling on the blades clutch line 

Wasn't to hard to fix

All Done
Before. The dogs chewed up lots of last years vines and the little vine rack I built just wasn't working  for me so I pruned the vines and took apart the vine rack and worked on a new vine rack.
Broke the old vine rack down. I use screws when I build so repairing or taking apart is not a thing

I set 2 4x4's in quickcrete and used the 6' 2x4's from the old rack to connect the 4x4's

Once I connected the 4x4's I took my time and snaked the grape vines in patterns that will let the vines keep growing and make the grapes easily accessible. I even got the small Muscadine grape vine tangled with with normal grapes.

Close up view of the vines

I had to build a small 3' fence to keep the dogs from chewing on the vines and eating our grapes. I used up the rest of the old vine rack to build the fence along with some new 2x4's.

Built my sections

Attached my sections. Done
The pruning of the fruit trees was not all that hard but it was needed. A few limbs were growing way to fast while the others are at a steady pace and some limbs didn't make it through the winter.


We still have loads of repair work and new idea's for this summer so until next time....

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